New patent search tool launched

One IPO Search, a new online search tool for UK patents, will make it easier for businesses and innovators to search and access patent information, supporting UK growth and innovation.

One IPO Search has been developed by the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) to replace the previous Ipsum service, which has served UK innovators well for 13 years – handling approximately 200,000 patent searches in the last 12 months alone.

The new service offers enhanced features to help IP professionals and the public search for UK patents more easily. It represents a ‘generational leap’ which will transform how customers can search for and discover patents, opening up the IPO’s data to all UK citizens.

Its launch marks a significant milestone in the IPO’s ambitious ‘One IPO’ transformation programme – a comprehensive modernisation of UK intellectual property services. In addition to One IPO Search, the transformation programme will deliver a suite of new digital services in the second half of 2025, including streamlined patent applications services and innovative customer account management systems. 

Key features 

The new service makes UK patent searching more accessible through: 

  • simple keyword searching – find relevant patents by describing your product or technology in everyday language 
  • visual data analysis – spot market trends without needing specialist knowledge 
  • downloadable patent information – share findings easily with your team 
  • clear, user-friendly interface – navigate patent information without requiring technical expertise 

You can access the new patent search tool here, One IPO Search

One IPO Search banner with UK in background

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