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AI Grant Funding: Supply Chain Demonstrator

UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £2 million in grant funding to deliver artificial intelligence (AI) demonstrator projects. These projects are intended to benefit efficiency in supply chains and increase firm level productivity.

The aim of this competition is to develop a product or process that enables data from micro, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and large organisations to be shared in a trust less environment. The product or process must enable the development of new Artificial Intelligence solutions for the benefit of supply chain efficiency and firm level productivity. The output of these projects must be in the form of a demonstrator.

The funding is from Innovate UK’s BridgeAI programme and is for projects that accelerate the development and adoption of artificial intelligence solutions across supply chains of the UK economy. The projects are intended to benefit efficiency in supply chains and improve business decisions at firm level.

Your project must demonstrate clear monetisation strategies that incentivise data sharing and business models that span benefits across organisations and sectors.

Further details and how to apply are on the Innovate UK pages here – AI Grant Funding: Supply Chain Demonstrator


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