Net Zero: A leading manufacturer of bandsaw blades for the timber processing industry

With over 35 years of experience, EPS Services and Tooling is the leading manufacturer of bandsaw blades for the timber processing industry in the UK. The business operates a range of precision saw grinding and manufacturing machines, whilst managing a fleet of light commercial vans for collecting and delivering customer tooling.

Net zero ambitions…

In line with the government’s target to reach ‘net zero’ by 2050, EPS was keen to begin its journey towards this challenging goal. The business could see a range of benefits far beyond the environmental ones, which could significantly increase the value of its operations, both now and in the future. With rising energy costs, the company wanted to review usage and identify ways to optimise and reduce unnecessary consumption. They would also like to make customers aware of their net zero credentials to help them retain existing, and attract new, business. As skills and recruitment continue to challenge many manufacturing companies, EPS want to be able to attract and retain the growing demographic of staff looking to work for more environmentally responsible employers. With all of these benefits and additional interest from key stakeholders and investors, the business now plans to develop and deploy a clear and robust net zero strategy.

Their net zero journey with SWMAS…

Following previous support, EPS engaged with SWMAS’s Make it Net Zero Programme, despite seeing a host of commercial benefits the businesses was unsure how to begin their journey. The multi-site set up and energy intensive nature of operations meant that they were concerned a carbon reduction project could be time consuming and complex.

The first step involved meeting with a net zero specialist to review existing operations. A detailed Carbon Footprint was carried out to build a better understanding of current resource use, and the volume of emissions being produced by the business.
Once this initial benchmark was determined, EPS developed a range of initiatives which could significantly lower emissions, and then prioritised the actions that would lead to the biggest carbon savings. During this phase, the net zero specialist identified a number of immediate improvements, and outlined tangible steps towards longer-term net zero objectives.

Whilst it may not know all the answers right now, EPS has established a baseline and is keen to continue its net zero journey as one of its five strategic business objectives. This is supported personally by the Director and the Senior Management Team to ensure it can be delivered by 2050.

Improvements so far…
  • Completed a detailed Carbon Footprint Analysis Report to understand current business emissions
  • Published their Net Zero commitment on their website
  • Net Zero objectives set for the Managing Director and entire Senior Management Team
  • Identified potential carbon savings of 175 tonnes CO2e* per year
  • Implemented a practical, net zero strategy to:
    – reduce emissions by 50% by 2030
    – achieve net zero by 2050*CO2e: wider than just carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, this term is used to describe all of the different greenhouse gases in a common unit.
Future net zero plans…
  • The decarbonisation of company vehicles by initially switching to biodiesel prior to availability of either an Electric or Hydrogen powered alternative
  • Net zero training to be flowed down throughout the entire organisation to increase understanding and engagement of staff
  • To encourage and support all businesses in their supply chain to decarbonise their operations (in line with EPS’s scope 3 emissions)
  • Offering Net Zero solutions to our customers
  • A review of the Lifecyle impact of an EPS saw blade
  • The implementation of a certified and verified carbon offsetting scheme once emissions have been reduced as much as possible

“The help and support from SWMAS’s Make it Net Zero Programme has been extremely useful to our business. The process has identified realistic and achievable commercial benefits for us, including bottom line savings, customer engagement, and creation of new revenue streams . By developing our strategic roadmap both myself and then senior management team have a path to follow to add value to the business and the environment. ”
Nick Palmer Managing Director, EPS Service and Tooling

“Working with Nick and the EPS team has been an inspiring process. Not only has the business identified significant reductions in their carbon emissions, they are also open and willing to share their learning with others, and help to accelerate the rate of change within the manufacturing sector. EPS is an excellent example of how managing and measuring carbon emissions can lead to long term changes and improvements for businesses, and the environment.”
Paul Gilbert Manufacturing Specialist, SWMAS

This support was delivered by SWMAS, through their Make it Net Zero Programme and funded by the Heart of the South West (HotSW) Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

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