Nine Springs Natural Health Clinic

Kelda Prescott is Director of Nine Springs Natural Health Clinic, owning and running two natural health centres, in Yeovil and Chard, South Somerset. Kelda started out as Clinic Manager of the Centre in 2014, whilst she was studying Business and Management at Yeovil University Centre. Kelda explains “In 2019, the clinic owners decided to sell the business, but were unsuccessful in finding a suitable buyer. It was then that I decided this was my opportunity and I decided to buy the business! It was all finalised in March 2020, just as we headed into the first lockdown. We were able to navigate the challenges Covid brought with it, and in the summer of 2021, I opened a second centre – Chard Natural Health Centre.”

The business rents out ready to use therapy rooms and group spaces to self-employed therapists, instructors, facilitators, charities, and health organisations. Kelda says “what I enjoy most about my business is its diversity and the people at the heart of it. The therapists all run their own practices, but feel part of a team and a community. It brings all these resources together under one roof – simplifying the process of finding health and well-being services for people.”

Kelda’s biggest challenge was marketing the services of the business and reaching potential clients. “I was finding it so frustrating to put in hours creating content for nobody to see it! I signed up to the Growth Hub’s Thrive programme as I wanted some coaching and support across different areas, including the running of the business and specific marketing advice.”

The coaching that Kelda received gave her new ideas and insights and also confirmed ideas and thoughts that she already had. All in all, it was a fantastic sounding board, especially as Kelda is the sole director of the company. “The marketing support was brilliant. There is so much to learn about how to engage followers and expand reach, I now have some great tips to try out.”

Kelda says, “Finances are limited and as a business owner, looking after all aspects of running a business, it can be hard to prioritise which support would help the most. Having the opportunity to access free support, across various aspects of the business, is amazing.”

Growth Hub Support

Looking for support for your business? Our advisors at the Growth Hub have the resources to link you with numerous business support programmes and organisations that can help you start, run or grow your business. Get in touch today. 


Picture of a house next to logo for Nine Springs Natural Health Clinic