Read more about the latest news and updates from the Growth Hub, our partners, business support programmes and general news from across the Heart of the South West area. If you have a news story that you think we would be interested in, please get in touch.
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South West Investment Fund Loan secured for The Play Company
The Play Company, based in South Devon, has secured a £500,000 loan from the British Business Bank’s South West Investment Fund via appointed Fund. . .

GetSet East Devon Launches
Looking to boost your productivity, grow your business, or start a new enterprise in 2025? GetSet East Devon (GSED) is a new, fully funded. . .

UK Export Academy launches ‘Fuel Your Business Growth’ webinar series
The UK Export Academy are pleased to announce a brand new-series of webinars called Fuel your Business Growth, which are devoted to helping UK. . .

Somerset Cidermakers Expand with SWIF Support
A Somerset craft cider maker has expanded its production to supply pubs, bars and retail across the UK, thanks to a £35,000 cash injection. . .

Take the Hassle out of your Side Hustle
Whether it’s making extra income from activities such as online content creation, dog walking, or making handcrafted items to sell, HMRC has launched a. . .

Launch of North Devon Angels Investor Group
A new wave of investment opportunities is coming to North Devon & Torridge with the launch of North Devon Angels, an investment group dedicated. . .

New patent search tool launched
One IPO Search, a new online search tool for UK patents, will make it easier for businesses and innovators to search and access patent. . .

Free workshops for English Riviera tourism businesses
The English Riviera Bid Company (ERBID Co) are delighted to introduce new free workshops for spring 2025, designed for English tourism and hospitality businesses.. . .