Farming and Food Resource Hub

Our Farming and Food Resources Hub brings together information, guides, funding and project opportunities for farming and food producers.

We would also encourage you to get in touch with our Growth Hub team to find out about support for your business such as free guides and advice with business planning and resilience.

A tractor in the middle of a field.

Farming Schemes, Funding and Support

Find details of initiatives and further sources of funding and support by selecting the relevant section or image from the farming schemes, funding and support options shown below.

Defra logo
Summary and links to Government funding for farmers, growers and land managers
Farming landscape, hills and fields
Defra farming blog for latest on schemes and support
Farming Innovation Programme banner
Farming Innovation Programme: find out about grants and funding competitions
Picture of fir trees
Overview of woodland grants and incentives
Farming Advice Service logo
Farming Advice Service: for info on policies, regulations and what you can do when
TB Advisory Service logo
TB Advisory Service: Defra funded advice and guidance
Mental health and wellbeing in farming banner
Trading Standards Farming Partnership webinars and links to support organisations

Local projects and initiatives

The links below direct you to various local projects, initiatives and services that may be of interest. Click on the relevant heading and follow the links to further information.

The Food WorksSW is a dynamic food and drink innovation centre, offering food-grade business units and development kitchens, plus hands-on food technical and specialist business support, sector-based training and networking, conference and room hire, together with a coffee shop and business lounge to help you and your ideas to thrive.

More information here.

The Devon Food Partnership is a joint initiative which seeks to enable collaboration and communication across Devon’s food and farming sector. The aim is to ensure that nutritious, local, sustainably produced food is available and affordable for everyone in Devon.

Further details online here. 

The Devon Agri-Tech Alliance aims to support Devon’s agricultural sector by making innovation easier and more accessible. It aims to facilitate a community of research organisations, tech developers, farmers and other agricultural businesses so that those working on the ground can help shape future research and collaborate with tech developers to ensure that research and tech solutions are practical and relevant.

You can find out more and look into how you could get involved on the Devon Agri-Tech Alliance pages here.

The North Devon UNESCO Biosphere has a range of opportunities to support local farmers and landowners wishing to manage and create habitats to improve biodiversity and water quality, reduce flood risk and capture carbon. These are designed to help farmers to unlock nature-based income whilst conserving your traditional way of life. Take a look at the Biosphere’s page for Farmers & Landowners here.

Devon County Farms – South West Norse Ltd manages the County Farms Estate of 3,873 hectares (9,570 acres). For information on farms that are available to let, see the NPS group website.

The NFU represents more than 46,000 farming and growing businesses. Their purpose is to champion British agriculture and horticulture, to campaign for a stable and sustainable future for British farmers and to secure the best possible deal for their members.

Find out more here.

Are you looking for other business support options?

Our Growth Hub team are on hand to help you navigate the business support options, find answers to your questions and put you in touch with the right schemes to meet your business needs and aspirations. Do Get in Touch and a Growth Hub Adviser from our team will get back to you.

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