Brexit Resources
The UK has left the EU, and the Brexit transition period has ended. There are new rules for businesses doing business with the EU.
Find out how new Brexit rules apply to things like travel and doing business with Europe in the Government’s Brexit guidance pages.
Quick links
HMRC has a range of support, guidance and webinars to help you understand what you need to do when importing and exporting goods.
The Department for International Trade (DIT) has published an online tool for UK exporters. The Check How to Export Goods (CHEG) tool is aimed at UK exporters and pulls together information on the UK border, duties, rules of origin and customs procedures.
Find  out if you need to use the UKCA marking and how to use it on the web pages here.
Get help with moving agri-food goods to Northern Ireland. Get advice and help to meet new requirements if you’re a trader, and understand how you can claim money back if you provide an inspection and certification service. Detail here.
UK Transition guidance provided by

Ask the export support team a question
If you are a UK business selling goods or services to Europe, you can contact the UK government export support team by phone or online. You might have questions on exporting to new markets, paperwork to send goods abroad, or rules for a specific country.
Ask a question online: Ask the export support team a question – GOV.UK (
Brexit support
We have brought together an extensive pack of Brexit support resources for businesses below:
Here is a step by step guide about importing goods into the UK from any county, including the UK. Click on the link here – import good into the UK
Here are a variety of webinars relating to Brexit and the transition to new trading arrangements (to note, some webinars from the archives may contain out of date information).
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs webinars
The webinars hosted by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs are now available to watch online. The webinars covered the following topics:
- Exporting Products of Animal Origin (POAO) from Great Britain to the European Union
- Exporting Fish and Fishery Products for Human Consumption from Great Britain to the European Union
- Exporting Live Animals from Great Britain to the European Union
- Exporting Equines from Great Britain to the European Union
- Exporting Composite Goods from Great Britain to the European Union
- Export Health Certificates
To view the above webinars, visit the webpage here
Cabinet Office webinars
Short-form videos about trading with the EU are available online here and additional videos here.
Department for International Trade Webinars
The DIT’s Export Academy is open to businesses in the South West.
The Academy will take businesses through the essentials for exporting their goods overseas.
Growth Hub webinars
We have several webinars available on our YouTube here.
The Q&A sheet from our webinar on the 20 November is also available to download:Â UK Transition Webinar 20 November Q&A
The slides from our webinar on the 11 December are also available to download:Â UK Transition Webinar 11 December Slides
Webinars for EU-based organisations that trade with the UK
Learn more about UK border requirements from 1 January by watching previously-held webinars. Selected webinars are available online here.
Information on public sector contract opportunities in the UK is published on the Find a Tender Service (FTS) online site. Existing Contracts Finder account holders will be able to use the same login credentials for Find a Tender.
Find out about the trade agreements the UK has concluded that are in effect and the progress of our discussions with other countries. See here for UK Trade Agreements with non-EU countries.
Importing goods from the EU to Great Britain
The process for importing goods from the EU has changed. You can follow this guide to importing goods into the UK from any country, click here
Check the terms of your existing contracts with your customers and suppliers and plan how your business will deal with customs declarations, if necessary appoint a customs broker/intermediary to make customs declarations on your behalf for a list of customs agents and fast parcel operators click here you will also need to check if customs guarantees and simplified procedures will be helpful for your business and complete the application processes.
For more details on the exporting lifecycle please go to our step by step exporting toolkit here. You will also need to identify the staff that can be trained on customs and apply for HMRC grant funding.
Trader Support Service (TSS)
If you move goods in or out of Northern Ireland the Trader Support Service will guide you through any changes due to the implementation of the Windsor Protocol. See details here.
Chambers of Commerce
Your local chamber of commerce can also assist, please see below:
Devon and Plymouth Chamber or email
Somerset Chamber or email
For an extensive breakdown of the transport and travel guidelines read the information online here.
If you’re a haulier and move goods through a port in the UK that uses the Goods Vehicle Movement Service you’ll need to register for the service to get your goods through customs.
Please ensure your wooden packaging complies with the importing/exporting regulations as stated online here.
Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS) is the domestic system for the import of live animals, animal products and high risk food and feed not of animal origin into Great Britain. Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS) guide
Immigration and employment
Here is a link to guidance for employers on how to carry out right to work checks, why you need to do them, and which documents you can use. See Right to work checks: an employer’s guide
The UK has introduced a points-based immigration system. Please click here for more details.
Food production and fisheries
Download a copy of our UK-Transition-Farming-Guide. The guide outlines new and existing farming policies for England.
Information and guidance on exporting of fish from the UKÂ is available online here.
Use the Fish Export Service to create a UK catch certificate for fish and shellfish caught by UK flagged vessels for export.
See the guidance here for the rules that manufacturers and importers of fertilisers need to follow when trading in the UK.
The NFU has produced a series of webinars to provide insights for traders of plants/plant products between GB and the EU/NI. Watch online here
Northern Ireland
If you move goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland the Trader Support Service will guide you through any changes due to the implementation of the Windsor Framework.
Get advice and help to meet new requirements if you’re a trader, and understand how you can claim money back if you provide an inspection and certification service. See the Scheme details here.
Legal, Data and Regulatory
You may need an Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORIÂ number) if you move goods between Great Britain and the EU.
Use the Trade Tarriff service here to find a commodity code for goods you’re importing to or exporting from the UK.
See the guidance here for what action you need to take regarding data protection and data flows with the EU/EEA.
The guidance here explains the rules governing address for service for intellectual property rights in the UK.
Guidance for businesses and organisations holding EU trade marks at the end of the transition period is available online.
From 1 January 2021 there are changes to UK intellectual property law to ensure the smooth departure from EU IP systems. See guidance here.
Find out what you need to do if you hold a .eu domain or want to register one. See the guidance here.